
Maureen McCarthy Bartlett
Maple Hill Farm
1028 County Route 10
Norwich, NY  13815


  1. priss said,

    i saw your comments about michael landon on haven kimmels blog and just had to contact you. i have searched for years in vain for someone to realize that the Little House TV show was simply a vanity for michael landon. it drives me crazy when people think the show IS the book. oh that hair! oh that acting! oh the ingalls family shouting in every episode “love ya half pint, love ya pa, love ya ma” laura would turn in her grave!
    i am not full of knowledge on most things (math and computers for instance) but pretty well informed on LIW. i have recently finished Ghost in the Little House which is about lauras daughter rose and her writing and contributions to the series of books. i have long suspected that rose wrote more of the series than the public ever knew and i believe i am right.
    as for the commenter that said she was related to LIW, that cant be possible because the ingalls left no decendents – if she is “related” to carrie then it can only be from carries step children because carrie had no children, neither did mary or grace or rose.
    i t drove me nuts when my kids were young and all the mothers wanted their kids to watch LH because of michael landons “family values”. so much for family values when he left his first family for a younger woman and then left his second family for a stand in for mary on the show who was younger that several of his kids. then he goes on to play an angel?? i never did understand that worship for michael landon and i never thought of it as you said…little joe got married but that is so true!
    when people tell me now “oh i just love little house” i tend to find out that they have never read the books! they dont even know what they are talking about! growl!

    i have had my rant and will now take a closer look at your blog proper!

  2. priscilla wainwright said,

    just read about your aha moment on loving the tazmanian devil.
    am also a NT Christian with a husband i suspect is an Aspie.

    have been reading on Aspergers and like you have been angry, lonely, hurt and disappointed without understanding why.

    thanks for writing!

  3. Stephan said,

    Hi Maureen,
    there is a picture called >>anger<< on this blog (the guy who is spitting lightning). I would like to use this pic eventually for a CD-cover.
    And i would like to ask you for permission for using this picture!
    Please let me know if it is okay!
    Best regards

  4. Mary Smith said,

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  5. Elvet Velvis said,

    Thanks for posting “A Cold Spring.” In my neighborhood, it’s just now the beginning of firefly season.

  6. Erica said,

    Thank you SO much for your book. My husband was diagnosed last year, and since then I’ve been buried in books, the web etc etc etc learning as much as I can, and sharing it with him. Your book has been the most true to life, comforting, upsetting, reassuring and honest writing I’ve found yet, and I feel as though I’ve found an ally in you. Most particularly because, unlike many other writers on the subject, you still love your husband very much, as do I, regardless of what many may see as ‘challenges’ that cannot be overcome. I hope your book reaches millions!! I am very interested in the Spouse Chatroom you have, but can’t figure out how to set up an account – could you please provide me with some direction on that? Thank you – for everything!!!

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